I’m proud of being banned by these “inquisitors”
The committee of authors of (The Turkish organizing committee) has eliminated Coşkun Büktel from the group of authors who will be officially representing Turkey at the Frankfurt Book Fair.
Coşkun Büktel
July 30th, 2008
The Minister of Culture, Ertuğrul Günay, may excuse his not sending the orchestra of Nâzım Hikmet Oratorio to Frankfurt, claiming the large number of musicians as his reason and pretending patriotism in using the public funs economically, but he can make no excuse for employing the always employed, anti-literary mediocrities or anti-talents of the “committee of authors” (Enver Ercan, Halil İbrahim Özcan, İhsan Işık, Gökhan Cengizhan, Adnan Özer, Ahmet Kot, Egemen Berköz) who have hindered Coşkun Büktel, one of a very few controversial Turkish writers with original color and an author whose novel “Fiyasko” has recently been published in English with the title “Fiasco”, from receiving governmental invitation, and thus being impeded from joining the events of the Frankfurt Book Fair.
Ertuğrul Günay can make no excuse either for the fact that instead of supporting sound literary criteria, he has chosen to subsidize literary “salesmen” who are dividing and sharing out the “market” of culture among the members of their own “clan” and also having the subsidiary budget of the government wasted away by backing not the real literary people (at least not the most controversial of them) but the holy alliance of pretty choice literary pretenders.
If the disobedient writers like Coşkun Büktel are banned −as he has always been on almost every platform in Turkey− and if obedience to, or harmony with, the authorities are meant to be the criteria for representing Turkey in Frankfurt, Ertuğrul Günay the Minister of Culture must realize the fact that holding obedience and harmony as literary criteria will bring our country and our culture not honor in the international arena, but only shame, and the stain of this shame will remained stamped on the forehead of Ertuğrul Günay as permanently as Gorbachev’s mark.
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